Your credit card information is sent to the credit card provider where your card and the transaction are authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.
Please note that address changes are no longer possible once the goods have been shipped. However, please contact us as soon as possible, as we may have the option to redirect the order.
If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it. Please contact us and review our return policy.
Please contact us immediately if you wish to change or cancel your order. Note that orders that have already been packed or shipped cannot be changed or canceled. For more details, refer to our right of withdrawal information.
We offer free shipping for orders over $39.9, including insurance against theft, loss, or damage to the package. For orders below $39.9, the shipping cost will be automatically calculated after you entering the address.
After the package has been shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your package. For logistical reasons, the shipment may be sent in multiple partial deliveries.
In some cases, it can take up to 5 business days for the package location to be updated. We appreciate your patience. If the package does not show any information, please contact us, and we will take care of the whereabouts of your shipment.
Looking for product recommendations? Have ordering questions? Can't find answers in the FAQ? Please fill out the form below, and we will reply to most emails within 18-24 hours.
You can also reach us by email and phone.